What's new in Astro - March 2024
March 2024 - Astro DB, Astro Developer Portal and so much more
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March 2024 - Astro DB, Astro Developer Portal and so much more
A retrospective of how Astro migrated more than 500 test suites from Mocha to Node.js test runner.
Yesterday we launched a fully managed SQL database service designed exclusively for the Astro web framework. Let's dive into the implementation details of Astro DB: how it works, why we built it, and why we're adopting libSQL.
Today, we’re launching the Astro Developer Portal, a platform where theme authors can submit, manage, and promote their themes built for Astro.
Astro DB is here! Astro DB is a fully managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro. It is fast, lightweight, and ridiculously easy-to-use.
Astro 4.5 is out! This release includes a new Dev Audit UI, View Transition improvements, Shiki 1.0, multi-CDN asset prefixing, and more!
Astro relies on the hard work and dedication of several open-source projects, and we are extremely thankful to the maintainers of each and every one. In this article, we'd like to highlight one specific project that made a significant impact to the Astro experience: Volar.
Leap into Astro news with a bonus February day!
Astro 4.4 is now available! This release includes the addition of performance audits for the dev toolbar, performance upgrades, the ability to automatically infer the dimensions of remote images, and more.
Astro 4.3 is out now! This release includes support for domain routing in i18n, better support for relative images in Markdown, a new `ComponentProps` type export, and more.
2023 was a huge year for Astro, and 2024 is already shaping up to be even bigger. Let's dive into the updates!
Astro 4.2 is out now! This release includes two new experimental features to try out, improvements to accessibility rules, and more.